The preferred means of sending your document is via email. However, we realize that this may not always be an option, in which case faxing, mailing or hand delivery are all also acceptable.
The cost for translation is based on the number of words, plus the language pair and direction (“to” or “from”). Certain language pairs, such as English INTO Spanish, French or Italian, are based on the TARGET foreign word count, while English INTO most Asian and Middle Eastern languages, among others, will be based on the word count of the English SOURCE. The same holds true when translating FROM a foreign language into English – some languages are based on the source word count and others on the English target.
Other things that can impact the translation cost include intensive formatting requirements, such as the need to recreate multiple tables or charts, as well as extremely tight deadlines. Once we receive the final document to be translated, we will gladly provide a firm, no obligation quote with a full price breakdown.
The turnaround time depends largely on the volume of text and languages involved, as well as the subject matter and level of technicality. A firm delivery date can be requested before proceeding with any project, and should the standard turnaround time not meet your requirements, we can usually offer a “rush” service option to expedite the translation.
TCNY engages only skilled, experienced translators who are wholly fluent in their working language pair, selecting the appropriate one for each project based on native fluency in the target language and demonstrated expertise in the subject at hand. We have been partnering with most of these individuals for years and have come to know and trust their work.
We are also strongly committed to engaging the services of US-based professionals rather than cut-rate overseas providers. Through their immersion in US culture, these translators are better equipped to grasp the fine subtleties of the English language, helping to assure that the meaning of the translation more closely reflects the original.
TCNY is committed to working with US-based translators, along with a small number who are based in Canada. By partnering with providers based here in the US – whose native tongue is the target language – TCNY can offer the best of both worlds, for the most reliable results. Our translators’ experience of immersion in an English-speaking society provides them with a better grasp on the subtleties of the English language than their offshore (AKA “In-Country”) peers who have not been so immersed, assuring a firm grasp on BOTH the source and target languages.
Although there are many options for machine translation today, the results are typically filled with errors and misinterpretations. While machine translation may be useful at times for strictly informational purposes, such as to provide a ballpark idea of what a text may be saying, it is in no way a substitute for polished, professional HUMAN translation.
While an online tool can provide translation options for individual words and perhaps even phrases, it still cannot fathom the full thought process behind them or make high-level distinctions based on the context. No machine can take into consideration the many nuances inherent in each word and expression, nor can it accurately translate all the idioms and colloquialisms that make each and every language rich and unique.
We will gladly provide a notarized Certificate of Accuracy upon request for any of our translations at no additional charge.