Translation Company of New York – A brief background

TCNY made its start in 1983 as Translation Company of New York, Inc., founded by Elsbeth Lussi in New York City. Although the company relocated to South Jersey shortly thereafter, it held on to its original name, along with its primary goal – to establish and maintain the highest industry service standards at the most competitive rates possible.
Liliana Stevcic, one of Translation Company of New York’s current Managing Partners/Co-owners, began working for the company directly under its founder as an Accounts Manager in March of 1991. Her scope of responsibilities quickly grew, thanks in large part to her keen attention to detail paired with her unique language skill set. In time, she worked her way up to the role of TCNY’s General Office Manager, effectively assuming responsibility for all front office operations.
In March of 2004, Mary Wall, TCNY’s other current Managing Partner/Co-owner, was brought on as an Administrative Assistant. Owing to her strong verbal and organizational skills as well as her highly detail-oriented nature, her duties were soon expanded to include the various aspects of project management and quality control assurance.
By the time TCNY’s owner was considering retirement in 2008, Liliana and Mary had each developed an acute sense of ownership, having already taken on collective responsibility for nearly all the daily activities involved in running the business. They therefore made the next logical step by purchasing the company in June of that year, restructuring as an LLC. They have since each served equally as Managing Partners and together run a very tight ship, with one or the other personally overseeing every project from start to finish.
Meet our team

Liliana Stevcic, originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina, has lived in Brazil, Mexico, USA, Switzerland, France and Slovenia. Her extensive travels allowed her to learn a number of languages and immerse herself in a variety of cultures. Liliana attended the American College of Paris, France as a language major and then went on to further her education at the Alliance Français and the École Internationale d’Hôtesses in Geneva, Switzerland.
While living in Mexico, Liliana worked as a liaison for the International Congress Organization, where she hosted conference attendees from around the world. She joined TCNY as an Accounts Manager in 1991, working here for 17 years before purchasing the company together with business partner Mary Wall in 2008.

Mary Wall is originally from New Jersey. At the age of eleven, her father’s job took them to South Korea, where she attended a DOD school in Seoul. She greatly enjoyed her time there, particularly the trips organized by the school’s “Travel and Culture Club,” which allowed her to explore the beautiful countryside and experience the local flavor firsthand. She later returned to the US, where she earned a BA in Speech Communications and Theatre.
After years in retail management, Mary seized on an opportunity to return to Korea as an ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher, an experience she treasures. She joined TCNY in 2004 as an Administrative Assistant, whose realm of responsibilities quickly expanded to include project management, until ultimately purchasing the company together with Liliana Stevcic.

At TCNY, every one of our gifted translators, proofreaders and editors is a well-seasoned professional, with native fluency in their target language and vast experience in their field of expertise. We have partnered with most of them for years and know their work well. The majority of these providers live here in the US, with a few residing in Canada.
Although we could easily cut cost by using providers located “In-Country” (essentially meaning off-shore or overseas to a US company), we find that partnering with US-based professionals whose native tongue is the target language offers the best of both worlds, for the most reliable results. With their full immersion in an English-speaking society, these translators typically demonstrate a better grasp on the subtleties of the English language, with its wealth of idioms and metaphors, than their off-shore peers who have not been so immersed. This assures a solid comprehension of both the source AND target language, providing the cornerstone for a top-notch translation.